Friday, October 16, 2009

Delivering Value to Your Clients or Organizaton

Information professionals deliver value to their organization or risk becoming expendable.

I recently delivered a webinar program to members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals on how to deliver value added analysis. You can download the slide deck titled Adding Value to Your Research: Value Added Analysis to get the gist of the presentation.

Cyberspace is abuzz right now as specialized librarians debate the merits of renaming their professional organization. The current name is SLA: Special Libraries Association. The suggested name is Association of Strategic Knowledge Professionals.

The proposed name actually represents a mind shift from information management to something broader. Some info pros appear to object to this change. From my angle it represents an appropriate evolution in our profession. To demonstrate the value in what we do, we have to wrap value into the services and solutions we offer.

Value added analysis serves as one proven strategy for an evolving profession.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Develop Your Professional Skills - Focus on Management

As independent info pros we are on our own when it comes to professional development. Manager Tools can help meet the need for management and leadership training. Manager Tools offers podcasts on valuable topics including timely meetings, presentation attire, attention management, how to remember names, how to leave a voicemail, and lots more. Podcasts are categorized as Manager Tools and Career Tools. Take a look.

Learn something new today.