Just to be clear, branding is a promise between the supplier and the customer. Think Starbucks. Starbucks promises quality coffee, perfectly prepared, delivered in a friendly atmosphere.

The Starbucks logo offers a visual reminder of the brand.
You want this kind or recognition.
Deliverables and e-mails offer prime space for putting forward your info biz brand quickly and easily. When you deliver your product to a client, it should always be clear where it came from. If you don't have a logo, get one. If you're not using a template or consistent formatting for reports and e-mails, start now. If customized Power Point slides are an option, go for it. Be consistent in the look and feel. Use the logo, template, and formatting without exception.
Design an e-mail signature that displays your info biz brand. If you can include the logo, do it. If you have a slogan, tag line, or mantra that you can attach, do it. In fact, think Nike - Just Do It. Your clients must always know where their information comes from and where to turn for information services.
For help with graphics and visual representation of who you are and what you do, explore your options. Your organization may have a graphic arts department that can assist. For full service marketing strategies, including graphic arts, consider Chris Olson & Associates. For logo design you could try launching a contest on 99designs. It's a fun and affordable option.
Developing visual reminders for your clients is an easy way to brand and market your information services. Give it a go and share your results.