You're not alone out there in trying stay ahead of the curve and get through the day. For support, wisdom, and guidance, try
Lifehacker and
DLM:Dumb Little Man.

Lifehacker contains "tips and downloads for getting things done." Recent posts to Lifehacker discuss browser speeds, best layouts for data in Excel, and why goal setting makes you cringe. It's good stuff, and you can set up to receive the info in an RSS feed. That saves you from revisiting the web site to see what's new. Beware, however, that Lifehacker can post 20 or more tips per day.

For a less prolific, but no less useful life support source, try DLM. "Each week we provide a handful of tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane."
Recent posts include 5 ways to fall asleep quicker and 15 ways to break writer's block (timely, that one.)
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